
Our Faith




We believe the Hebrew Scriptures, Torah, Tanakh are the inspired and authoritative truth of Elohim (God). 


 We believe in keeping the Aseret HaDevarim (Ten Commandments) and Mitzvot (613 Laws).


We believe in Noahide Laws (Seven Laws of Noah).


 We believe in keeping the Shabbat (Saturday). 


We believe in keeping Kashrut (Kosher).



We believe in only One (Echad), Elohim (God) of Avraham (Abraham), Yitzhak (Isaac), Yaakov (Jacob), and Moshe (Moses).


 We believe that the mission of the Moshiach/Mashiach (Messiah) is to bring us all back to God. 


 We believe that Elohim (God) is returning one day. 



We believe in the Noach (Noah) Covenant, Avraham (Abraham) Covenant, Moshe (Moses) Covenant & Moshiach/Mashiach (Messiah) Covenant.


We believe that Elohim (God) chose Israel as his people.



We believe in keeping all Jewish Traditions and holidays that were given by God and not man made.



Yes We believe in Ancient astronauts (Ancient Aliens), Ufology (UFO), and some Conspiracy theories.


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